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Eliminates pain in its origin in a durable, functional and natural way.

Systems used in this therapy:

FMS (Funtional Movement Screen): system designed to assess fundamental movement patterns detecting limitations, asymmetries and dysfunctions. Offers a range of corrective exercises in order to standardize the quality of movement of each individual.

SFMA (Selective Functional Movement Screen): system designed to assess fundamental movement patterns in individuals with pain. Lists the different parts of the body in a holistic approach to the movement, addressing the source of the problem and not just the symptoms. As FMS offers numerous corrective exercises in order to standardize the motion quality of each individual and eliminate pain.

DNS (Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization): the central principle of DNS is that certain fundamental movement patterns are pre-programmed in a healthy baby and they will be holographically stored in the central nervous system to adulthood. With the movement corrupted by daily life, the brain forgets certain movement patterns. The exercises and techniques of DNS are options to recover the ideal motor programming, working sometimes as a "recovery disk" for a mature computer (central nervous system), which was corrupted after childhood.

NKT (Neurokinetic Therapy): system of evaluation and treatment that allows us to interact with our brain, specifically with the cerebellum which controls our motor patterns. Through simple muscle testing, we can find that muscles are facilitated (to work too) and that muscles are inhibited (working less) may thereafter develop strategies to normalize these disorders.

Price: 35.00 €